by Lucrative Options | Oct 13, 2018 | Stock Investment Research
For startups, achieving unicorn status is a big deal. Companies valued at more than $1 billion look more formidable to competitors, customers, and recruits—and less like the fly-by-night startups they may actually be. Thus, for the past three years, startup...
by Lucrative Options | Oct 1, 2018 | Stock Investment Research
LOS ANGELES ― Even as he awaits a criminal trial for allegedly strangling his girlfriend during a business trip in 2016, Brent Hamilton is still the head of music marketing at Monster Energy, the multibillion-dollar beverage company partly owned by Coca-Cola....
by Lucrative Options | Aug 22, 2018 | Stock Investment Research
European VCs are getting tired, and who can blame them. Europe’s startup industry has boomed in the last ten years, and no-one can say it isn’t a world away from what it was in previous decades. However, European founders are consistently getting it wrong...
by Lucrative Options | Aug 20, 2018 | Stock Investment Research, Stock Options, Stock Trading
U.S. stocks rebounded from a violent selloff to post the biggest rally in 15 months as investors poured back into some of the most beaten-down sectors.Technology, materials and consumer shares paced a 1.7 percent gain in the S&P 500 Index, while DowDuPont and Home...
by Lucrative Options | Aug 11, 2018 | Stock Investment Research
Working for a tech company may sound like all fun and ping-pong, but behind the facade is a ruthless code of secrecy and retribution for those who break itOne day last year, John Evans (not his real name) received a message from his manager at Facebook telling him he...